Eight Days A Week - The Touring Years 1 BluRay

The Beatles


Data aparitiei: 18.11.2016

Gen: Rock

Casa de discuri: Universal Music

79.95 LEI

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1. John Don't Be Nervous
2. She Loves You
3. Fellas? Where Are We Going
4. Twist And Shout
5. Number 1 In America
6. All My Loving
7. The Guy Who Got Us Famous
8. I Saw Her Standing There
9. We Wrote On The Road
10. Can't Buy Me Love
11. You Can't Do That
12. The Fantasy Version Of The Beatles
13. Roll Over Beethoven
14. 25 Cities In 30 Days
15. Boys
16. The Studio Was Our Little Haven
17. Doing A Film Again
18. Help!
19. Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby
20. The Biggest Show Of Them All
21. Dizzy Miss Lizzie
22. More Experimental
23. Nowhere Man
24. The Beatles Circus
25. Don't Let Me Down/I've Got A Feeling

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